“We gradually come to recognize that “thinking” does not enable us to love God and love others. We need a different operating system that begins with and leads to silence.”
– Richard Rohr
My prayer is that through Faith in the Unfolding others will find a gentle, restful, meaningful and helpful space to find God along life’s way. Through reflective teaching, guided prayer times, accompanying journals and creative gift bags participants engage with the themes in a significant and helpful way.
More retreats coming soon.
I hope you can join me at an upcoming retreat and find something to encourage your faith in the unfolding.
Previous Retreats

A gentle, contemplative and relaxed few hours as we…
Consider Our Speed
Reflect on Our Story
as this new year begins.
A chance to step aside and tend your soul in a thoughtful and reflective way.

An online streaming video rereat over two sessions:
1. Accepting your now
2. Trusting the Silence
“Pools of Water” is offered as a chance to take a few steps out of life, however it is looking and feeling for you this summer. My prayer is that these three written sessions will be anchor points for you across the month of August, and the accompanying gift box will provide some nice things to enjoy.

As life re-emerges from Winter all around us, we consider how we want to re-emerge too. As we step towards the end of the roadmap how do we want to / hope to re-emerge from our own peculiar season of wintering with 3 lockdowns in a global pandemic.
A gentle, grounded, meaningful and spacious retreat, listening to how He speaks to us through this winter season.

A chance to pause and gather yourself in His presence through a guided evening of prayer and reflection at Advent.
Three 1-hour retreats, plus a journal, gift pack, craft activity and group support via Facebook. Exploring ancient traditions engaging with the autumnal landscape, and how we can learn from them, letting them lead us into His presence still today.
More retreats coming soon.
I hope you can join me at an upcoming retreat and find something to encourage your faith in the unfolding.